Power Your Home Off the Grid With Solar Panels and Inverters

If you want to power your home completely off the grid with solar energy, you’ll need a battery bank to store the electricity you produce during the day.

Solar Panels

The large black panels you see on roofs are comprised of silicon semiconductors that absorb sunlight and create electricity. A phosphorus-infused top layer maintains a negative charge, while a boron-infused bottom layer provides a positive charge to funnel electrons towards conductive metal. Contact Solar Company for professional assistance.

Solar energy is radiant energy from the sun that can be used to create electricity, heat water and provide other forms of power. It is a clean, renewable energy source that does not produce greenhouse gases or contribute to climate change, unlike fossil fuels.

Solar panels are made of solar cells that absorb sunlight during daylight hours to create electrical energy. They are typically located on rooftops or in large, ground-mounted solar farms, converting the sun’s rays into electric energy to power homes and businesses. Solar technology has become more efficient and affordable in recent years as engineering improvements have made solar cell manufacturing more efficient. This has helped reduce the cost of a residential solar system, which has also increased the demand for this alternative energy source.

The energy generated by solar panels is delivered to your home through a special inverter that transforms direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC), which can be used to power appliances and lighting. A meter is installed in your home to record the electricity flow from both directions. On days when your solar panels are collecting more energy than you need, the meter will record that excess electricity is sent back to the grid. Your electricity company will usually give you credits for the electricity that you send back to them.

In addition to being a clean, renewable energy source that does no harm to the environment, solar power also has the added benefit of providing savings on your monthly electric bills. The only thing that can limit the amount of solar energy that is produced is the weather. Fortunately, solar storage systems are now available to help bridge the gap between the amount of energy that is needed and what the sun provides on cloudy days or at night.

Photovoltaic Cells

When light hits a solar panel, it energizes particles in the semiconductor material called electrons. This extra energy gives them the ability to ‘come loose’ and flow as an electric current, creating electricity. The current can be extracted through conductive metal contacts — the grid-like lines on solar panels — and used to power homes, buildings and even the electrical grid.

The vast majority of PV panels are made from silicon, a naturally occurring chemical element that is also a semi-conductor. Semiconductors are non-metallic materials that offer the properties of both conductors, which allow for the easy flow of electricity, and insulators, which block the flow of electricity nearly completely. Silicon is most commonly used because it’s cheap, abundant and a very good semiconductor.

PV cells are typically layered with different types of silicon to achieve the best possible conversion efficiency. The top layer, referred to as the N-Type layer, can easily give away its electrons and is positioned facing the sun. The bottom, or P-Type layer, has a special structure that attracts electrons and is made of a mix of silicon with other elements, such as phosphorus, gallium or indium, that have more than one free electron.

There are two main varieties of solar panels: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Monocrystalline silicon cells are more efficient, but cost more than polycrystalline silicon panels. Polycrystalline silicon is made from a mixture of mono-crystals and has shards that are aligned in several directions, making them less efficient than the monocrystalline versions.

Both kinds of solar panels convert a portion of sunlight into electricity, but their efficiencies are affected by temperature and latitude. The best solar panels can reach conversion efficiencies of up to 20%, but the technology is still improving.


Solar inverters are the heart of your home’s energy generation. They convert DC electricity from your solar panels into AC electricity that powers your electric appliances. The inverter should be sized correctly to match the total wattage of your solar panel system for maximum efficiency and power generation. If the inverter is too small or too large it can cause all sorts of performance and efficiency issues. An installer will ensure that the inverter wattage matches up with your solar panel system size for optimum results.

There are many different types of inverters used for solar power systems. The most common are string inverters and central inverters. Central inverters are larger than string inverters and can handle several strings of solar panels. They take up more space on the roof but can be cost-effective and simple for homeowners.

Inverter efficiency is a key consideration for a solar power system because it affects the amount of electricity produced over time. A higher efficiency inverter produces more electricity over the same period of time as an inverter with a lower efficiency rating.

A solar power inverter should also have the ability to “clip” excess electricity production when it is too high. Clipping occurs when the power generated from your solar panels is above the inverter’s maximum power capacity. When the inverter is unable to handle the extra electricity, it will simply “throw it away,” which wastes some of your solar panels’ potential output on the best days.

Another great feature of a solar power inverter is its ability to prevent electricity from flowing back through your solar panels and out into the power lines. This protects line workers that may be on the ground checking or repairing power outages from being hurt by electricity from your solar panels.

Grid-Tied Systems

A grid-tied system (also known as a utility-interactive solar system, on-grid, or grid back-feeding system) is connected to your home and the electricity grid. It has an inverter that converts DC into AC for efficient charging, and a bi-directional power meter that tracks both energy consumption and production.

The solar panels are installed on your roof or in open space, converting the sun’s rays into power for your house. If the amount of energy produced is more than your household needs, that excess power gets fed back into the grid. Many electric utility companies offer “net metering” arrangements that allow you to earn credits on your utility bill for the power you export to them, which can help offset or even eliminate your monthly charges.

Solar systems are a great way to save money and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. They provide a clean, sustainable energy source that also helps protect the environment. In addition, a solar system adds value to your home and increases its resale appeal. Additionally, you can receive a 26% federal income/investment tax credit and a sales tax exemption.

Solar system costs vary widely depending on the size of your solar system, your energy usage, and other factors. A qualified solar installer can design a system that meets your specific energy needs and budget.


Solar panels are a long-term investment, and you’ll want to make sure they’re working properly for their full life span. A good solar panel company should provide a maintenance plan to keep the system in its best shape, which includes regular cleaning and inspections. Some of these tasks can be done by homeowners, but those that involve climbing up ladders or walking on the roof should be handled by professionals for safety reasons.

Dust and stains build up on solar panels over time, reducing their efficiency. They also collect debris like twigs and branches that fall during storms. Rain usually rinses these away, but it’s a good idea to check for any after a particularly heavy rain.

Solar panel systems are made from tempered glass, so they can withstand severe weather conditions. However, flying debris or extreme electrical surges can crack the glass. Other problems that need to be addressed include arc faults and ground faults, which can cause damage to the panel’s electronics.

If you’re concerned about potential problems, you should track your energy production closely to see if the output is decreasing over time. If you’re purchasing more electricity from the grid than before, it could mean that your solar panels are dirty or obstructed.

Many solar companies recommend that owners clean their panels twice a year, or as often as needed. This typically involves removing dirt and debris from the surface with a soft brush or sponge, then using a water hose to rinse off any residue. If the panels are located on a roof, it’s important to use a telescopic handle or extendable pole for safety. This prevents someone from falling off the roof and getting hurt, as well as preventing the panels from being damaged by electric shock.

Injured in a Crash? Here’s Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer on Your Side

Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, often leaving individuals with physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial burdens. In such challenging times, seeking legal representation might not be the first thought on your mind, but it’s a crucial step to ensure your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation. Here’s why having Duluth Car Accident Lawyer on your side is essential.

Navigating Complex Legal Procedures


Navigating the legal aftermath of a car accident can feel like traversing a maze without a map. From filing insurance claims to understanding statutes of limitations, the complexities are numerous. A car accident lawyer serves as your seasoned guide through this labyrinth of legal procedures. They possess an intimate knowledge of the laws and regulations governing car accidents, ensuring that you don’t miss critical deadlines or overlook essential documents.

One of the primary challenges individuals face after a car accident is dealing with insurance companies. Adjusters may pressure you to accept lowball settlements or use confusing language to undermine your claim. A car accident lawyer acts as a buffer between you and the insurance company, handling all communications and negotiations on your behalf. This not only relieves you of the burden of dealing with aggressive insurers but also increases the likelihood of a fair and just settlement.

Moreover, the legal process involves intricate paperwork and procedural requirements. From gathering medical records to drafting legal documents, there’s a mountain of paperwork to navigate. A car accident lawyer streamlines this process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is compiled accurately and submitted in a timely manner. This meticulous attention to detail minimizes the risk of administrative errors that could jeopardize your case.

Additionally, the legal landscape surrounding car accidents is constantly evolving, with new laws and precedents shaping the outcomes of cases. Trying to keep up with these changes while juggling recovery can be overwhelming. Fortunately, car accident lawyers stay abreast of the latest developments in the field, leveraging their expertise to devise effective legal strategies tailored to your specific circumstances. This proactive approach enhances your chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

In essence, by enlisting the services of a car accident lawyer, you gain a trusted ally who not only guides you through the complex legal procedures but also advocates tirelessly for your rights. Their in-depth knowledge, negotiation skills, and attention to detail alleviate the stress of navigating the legal system solo, empowering you to focus on healing and rebuilding your life in the aftermath of a car accident.

Determining Fault and Liability

Determining fault and liability in a car accident is pivotal for obtaining compensation for your injuries and damages. However, it’s often a multifaceted process that requires careful investigation and analysis. A car accident lawyer plays a crucial role in this endeavor, employing various tools and strategies to establish who was at fault and legally responsible for the incident.

First and foremost, a thorough investigation is conducted to gather evidence pertaining to the accident. This includes eyewitness testimonies, police reports, surveillance footage, and expert opinions. By meticulously piecing together the sequence of events leading up to the accident, a car accident lawyer can paint a clear picture of what transpired and who bears responsibility.

Furthermore, determining fault involves assessing the actions and behaviors of all parties involved in the accident. Factors such as negligence, recklessness, and adherence to traffic laws are taken into account. For instance, if a driver ran a red light or was speeding at the time of the collision, they may be deemed liable for the accident. Conversely, if another driver rear-ended your vehicle while you were obeying traffic laws, they could be held responsible for the damages.

In some cases, liability may extend beyond just the drivers involved. For instance, if a defective vehicle component contributed to the accident, the manufacturer or designer of that component could be held liable. Similarly, if poor road maintenance or hazardous road conditions were a factor, governmental entities responsible for road upkeep may share liability. A skilled car accident lawyer will explore all possible avenues of liability to ensure that all responsible parties are held accountable.

Moreover, state laws regarding fault and liability vary, adding another layer of complexity to the process. Some states follow a comparative negligence system, where each party’s degree of fault determines their share of liability and compensation. Others adhere to a contributory negligence system, where if a party is found even partially at fault, they may be barred from recovering damages. Understanding these legal nuances is essential for building a strong case and maximizing compensation.

In conclusion, determining fault and liability in a car accident is a multifaceted undertaking that requires expertise and attention to detail. A car accident lawyer possesses the knowledge, resources, and experience to navigate this complex terrain, advocating for your rights and ensuring that justice is served. By entrusting your case to a skilled attorney, you enhance your chances of obtaining the compensation you rightfully deserve for your injuries and losses.

Maximizing Compensation

Insurance companies often try to minimize payouts by offering quick settlements that may not cover the full extent of your damages. Without legal representation, you might unknowingly accept a settlement that doesn’t adequately address your medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, or pain and suffering. A car accident lawyer will assess the true value of your case, negotiate with insurers on your behalf, and strive to secure maximum compensation for your losses.

Protection Against Legal Tactics

Insurance companies have teams of lawyers whose primary goal is to protect their interests and minimize payouts. They may employ various tactics such as denying claims, delaying proceedings, or shifting blame to reduce their financial liability. Facing these tactics alone can be daunting, but with a skilled attorney by your side, you have someone who understands these strategies and can counter them effectively, ensuring that your rights are protected.

Peace of Mind

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident is stressful enough without having to worry about legal matters. By hiring a car accident lawyer, you can focus on your recovery and emotional well-being, knowing that a knowledgeable professional is handling the legal aspects of your case. This peace of mind can make a significant difference in your overall recovery process.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, seeking legal representation is not just an option—it’s a necessity. A car accident lawyer can navigate the complexities of the legal system, advocate for your rights, and help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Don’t let insurance companies take advantage of your vulnerability. With the right attorney on your side, you can pursue justice and move forward with confidence after a traumatic experience on the road.

How to Pump a Septic Tank

A septic tank is a water-tight container that receives all wastewater from a home. Solid waste settles to the bottom in the form of sludge, while oil and fat float to the top and are separated from the liquid wastewater (effluent) by compartments and a T-shaped outlet.

Flushing non-biodegradable items like cigarette butts, cotton buds/swabs and menstrual hygiene products down the toilet will cause a septic system to clog and overflow. Contact Septic Tank Armadale now!

Septic tanks hold hazardous waste that can cause serious health problems if not handled properly. As such, it’s best to hire professionals to pump a septic tank, unless you have lots of experience and all the necessary equipment at your disposal. If you’re still determined to take on this task yourself, be sure to follow all the precautions outlined in this article to avoid injury and environmental disaster.

Most homeowners only need to have their septic tanks pumped every 2-3 years. However, if you notice standing water in your yard, it’s important to have the tank inspected and pumped sooner rather than later to avoid a system failure.

As the wastewater enters your septic tank, it develops several layers. The first is oils and grease that float on top of the water layer (AKA effluent). Next is the wastewater, along with some waste particles. Finally, there’s the sludge layer that collects at the bottom of the tank. Over time, the bacteria inside the tank break down these solid wastes into a sludgy substance that drains away into the absorption field.

When the septic tank is full, the solid waste moves through an outlet pipe to the drain field (or leach field), which is made of gravel and other aggregates that help disperse the liquid waste into the soil and watercourses. If the tank isn’t emptied regularly, this wastewater can back up into your home and cause significant damage.

To keep your septic tank from filling up too quickly, you’ll want to monitor the number of people in your household and make sure all household members are using water and toilet paper conservatively. You should also watch for any unusual or large amounts of household waste like diapers, feminine hygiene products, and wads of toilet paper that can clog the septic tank and system.

It’s also important to locate your septic tank and system’s drain field before the pumping process begins so that the tank can be pumped without damaging the absorption field. You’ll also want to make sure any machinery, vehicles, or animals are kept away from the tank and drain field during the pumping process. Animals can be particularly dangerous to work crews and can inadvertently fall into the tank or clog the pipes with their waste.

Riser & Lid

A septic tank riser brings the access lid of your septic tank to ground level, which makes it easier for septic service technicians to inspect and pump your system without having to dig up your yard. It also prevents groundwater from seeping into your septic tank, which can cause wastewater to not properly decompose.

A septic riser kit is comprised of a riser, an adapter ring, and a lid. The riser is a ring that extends the tank’s access port to ground level. An adaptor ring is placed on top of the riser and a sealant is used to ensure that contaminants cannot enter the tank. A domed or flat septic tank lid is then installed on the top of the stack of risers.

The septic tank’s lid is designed to be both water-tight and air-tight. It is often a mushroom shape and can be fitted with a charcoal filter to reduce odors. Bacteria inside the septic tank break down the waste and create gasses, including hydrogen sulfide, which can be dangerous to humans. The gases are vented out of the tank to prevent a build-up of pressure that could cause the septic tank to overflow or back up into your home.

Having your septic tank riser professionally installed is the best way to ensure that it is water-tight and air-tight. The riser can be cut to match your lawn surface, and our team will install a septic tank access lid that is flush with the lawn’s surface. This means that you can continue to maintain your lawn as normal and will only need to remove the access lid when it is time for your septic tank to be pumped or inspected.

Lids should be made from durable materials that will not break under the weight of the septic tank or its contents. The septic tank access lid should be securely attached to the riser with bolts or clamps. The septic tank access lid should also be capped to prevent unauthorized tampering or vandalism.

Our septic tank access lids are made from a dense plastic called polylok, which is stronger than concrete and will not corrode over time. They are also lighter than concrete or traditional metal lids and make accessing the septic tank easier for your septic service technician. The polylok lids come with pre-installed handles that allow you to easily lift and lower the septic tank access lid. They are also designed to be structurally supported on the bottom, which helps them stay flat instead of domed shaped like other products on the market.

Absorption Fields

The absorption field, also called the drainfield, provides final treatment of wastewater to make it safe for groundwater and surface water. The soil in the drainfield acts as a physical, chemical and biological filter to destroy pathogens and treat sewage. When the absorption field reaches its capacity, it is refilled with clean, treated effluent.

Wastewater enters the absorption field through watertight, 4-inch diameter perforated pipes from the septic tank distribution device and house sewer. The pipe lengths from the tank to the drainfield should be a minimum of 10 feet. The watertight pipes should have a slope of 1/4-inch per foot to prevent clogging.

Heavy solids settle to the bottom of the septic tank and form the sludge layer, while light, soapy solids float to the top of the liquid waste and form the scum layer. The sludge and scum layers are decomposed by microorganisms in the septic tank to a liquid state, which flows to your absorption field.

The septic system works best when the sludge layer is not too thick. If it is too thick, the septic tank may not have enough time to process the incoming wastewater. This can lead to septic tank overflow, which exposes humans and animals to disease-causing organisms in sewage and clogs the absorption field.

Homeowners can help by reducing the use of chemicals, which kills the microorganisms that decompose wastes and reduces the amount of wastewater in the tank. They should not flush plastics, paper towels, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, paints, motor oil, pesticides and fertilizers. They should also avoid dumping grease down sink drains, since it solidifies and clogs the septic system.

In addition to proper maintenance, regular pumping of the septic tank is important to keep it at its maximum operating capacity. It is also important to have the tank baffles and tees regularly checked for structural integrity. If septic system problems occur, they should be repaired by a licensed and bonded professional contractor. This includes rerouting the pipe and replacing defective baffles, tees and pipe sections. It is also important to plant fast-growing trees away from the septic system to avoid root intrusion.

Pump Tanks

A septic tank system is one type of simple onsite sewage facility (OSSF). It works by collecting wastewater in an underground watertight container called a septic tank. The tank is typically made of concrete, fiberglass or polyethylene and comes in various sizes for different homes.

Wastewater that leaves a home goes through the drain pipe and into a septic tank. It collects there for a period of time, where solids settle and scum rise to separate from the liquid effluent. Bacteria in the septic tank help break down these materials, but not all materials decompose. This is especially true for fats and oils. The septic tank is sized to be capable of processing the amount of waste a household generates per day, usually based on the number of bedrooms.

The inlet and outlet tees are crucial to the operation of a septic tank. They extend from the septic tank in and out, respectively, to below the top of the scum layer. This ensures that the scum and sludge layer remain in the tank instead of discharging into your absorption field, where they could clog the inlet pipes and reduce their efficiency.

In addition, the tees prevent the inlet and outlet pipes from being buried below the surface of the soil. This protects them from damage and allows for easy access for pumping and inspection.

A septic tank also has a vent to allow gases such as hydrogen sulfide, which smells like rotten eggs, to escape. It’s important that this vent is clear of obstructions to ensure proper gas flow and odor control.

Most septic tanks are divided into compartments to better process waste. This forces the septic tank to go through two treatment cycles instead of just one, which helps eliminate scum and sludge more effectively before it goes into the absorption field. It can also help prevent wastewater from entering nearby drinking water wells or local waterways, where it may contaminate groundwater or cause disease in humans and animals. Excess nutrients can also pollute waterbodies by causing excess algae to grow that consumes oxygen and harms fish and other aquatic life.
